The crew minus a few nomads

The crew minus a few nomads

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ride to conn.

Long ride up to fish with my bros. and hang with family , the van was givin me prob. So the road glide and me hit the road 600 mile and hardly no traffic cool!
So gonna party and bluefish  tomorrow pics to follow .

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Shop van fixed

So I've replaced everything on the new shop an reassembled and runnin

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The hug-a-root and doc George.

 You name it.-Rode down to j Ville on sat morning for the Shadetree hug-a-root and doc George's house warming. A smaller group of shade trees than usual but fun just the same. Great food and beer followed buy bar hoping starting at the country time lounge. Payed respects at the tree to shade trees lost. Then ridin from place to place in after dark, dodgin police etc.
Then Wilmington on Sunday and the Barbary coast , if ya never been ya need to. All kindsa freaks locals bikers yups u name it ! Drunk chick showin tits and wantin to fight us lmao!! Pics to follow