The crew minus a few nomads

The crew minus a few nomads

Saturday, March 24, 2012


 Dont have a lot to say but WOW. My go to guy for anything i cant figure out ( Big Kevin ) built this thing. He can figure out anything about anything. He bulit this thing with no drawings just figured it all out in his head and as he went. He built it all in house from the frame to the suspension. And belive it or not all the parts came from just lay around or spare and or swap and traded. Total time i think he said 14 months. It rides great and has very little cab noise as you would think it would. He took me for a ride in it to the local HD shop to get a free soda. The man couldnt even get into the place from all the questions. He can do any and all fabercation that you can think up and he is a dam good old bike mechanic.  A real good dude to know. 

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