The crew minus a few nomads

The crew minus a few nomads

Friday, September 28, 2012

progress on OG big dons shovel

 billy got the frame back from live wire down in willmington, awsome job! for all your powder coating needs!
it live wire powder coating.
 taped for protection, time to clean up the excess coating
 old inner
 and the chrome new one, funny thing is gator bought this for don years ago to replace the worn out one with shiney chrome.
now its going on.
 damn coating is a bitch to get off!! its thick as hell but i got it off,
 here is the funniest part of the nite, fork oil ended up everywhere! walls, ceiling , table, floor, in ODs eye!!
billy and gator were shootin it outta the forks like super soakers, funny mo fos!
 a productive day and fun as well.
we got so drunk i slept in the van , hurt like hell today out ridin ! every time we stopped i tried to nap, got hit with water from a garden hose while nappin, wtf? well im in early and im beat.

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