The crew minus a few nomads

The crew minus a few nomads

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

daytona part 2

so the bikini contests at all bike rallys have turned pro, dont blame the bars , it draws a crowd and beer gets sold. but i dont get all the wore out chicks sellin beer? maybe it made me want to be drunk? i dont know? asses looked like cottage cheeze or a rhinos knee? anyway, the boot hill was the place for me and tony as far as mainstreet, 2.00 PBR and cheep wells. the AC/DC band was awesome and we stayed till closing time..we were walkin distance to main street from our digs so we could tie one on , no worries! and the due with the food stand and the chickin on a fuckin stick!!! WOW! any way the second day was great. well its a beautiful day out im outta here for a ride.

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