Just a few fellows that like bikes and love to have a good time.
The crew minus a few nomads
Sunday, March 3, 2013
departure bike works swap meet.
well, the weekend was great, davo, tam and shoprag came up to party and we had a great time, you know who threw down on some dinner sat nite and LKM lit up a big bone fire....sunday 0430 pooter girl was here with a ride to Va. with her yukon and the blacksheep followed in the dodge loaded down with parts to sell. we did well at the swap, scored some great parts and made good money to finance the bornfree ride to cali in june. OG, buzzard and frankinstine showed up hung over from sat. nite. and OG eclipse drove up on his own . dinner at the cracker barrel and a safe trip home. i love going to the swap in chesterfield VA. its a good time and get to see BSM chip when we go. anyway see ya out on the road, daytona is 2 weeks away......get busy livin people.
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