The crew minus a few nomads

The crew minus a few nomads

Sunday, March 24, 2013

random daytona pics

final blog on daytona, rode home sunday at 1100 and did the A1A along the coast, awesome ride. (get off the highway) bike ran great! at one point there was a quick 5 buck per bike ferry ride. we then gammed 95 north bound. tony bailed on 17 to willmington and erin on 26? for cher. hae and big =D pushed on into the eve, doin 85 mph all the way. got cold in SC. and we stopped at south of the border to buy 1 dollar Ts to cut up and wrap dennis up with. he only had his leather jacket. i cary carhaeart insulated bibs everywhere i go until summer hits. we hit rain after that and it got colder and wetter as we ran. dropped D at hyway 42 and he walked around until he quit shivverin...once i knew he was good and only 6 miles from his place i rolled 1 hour more to my place , had 2 shots of irish whiskey and crashed. to sum it up? daytona is gaytona, just like all the rallies but its been 16 years and i had to see it again. if ya go ..the boot hill is blue collar enough and the beer is cold and cheep. anyway, enjoy the day and stay safe! get out and ride kids.

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